Congratulations — We All Won

Congratulations — We All Won

Congratulations to Alison, Gabriela, and Faauuga! We live in a time of incredible opportunity and I know that they will work tirelessly to make certain that all our kids share in that opportunity.  As we all do, they truly want what is best for our students and I look forward to working with them to make our schools even better than they already are.

I would like to thank all my supporters for your belief in me and for your hard work to make this campaign a successful one.  It has been my honor to receive your support and you have my unending gratitude.

I would also like to thank all my fellow candidates for making this a campaign we can all be proud to have been a part of.  Each of you have been a source of inspiration and have earned my honest admiration.

Last, but not least, my family, too, deserves acknowledgement; they have been by my side throughout this process.  This campaign would not have been possible without you.  Thank you.

Running for office has been an incredible experience.  I have met so many amazing people and made some wonderful connections, especially with the other candidates.  The best part has been seeing people — adults and students — becoming more interested in our political process and turning into knowledgeable, engaged voters.


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